Saturday, November 15, 2008


My internet so weird la.
First there was the friendster thing.

Then when I logged on to my msn, it showed that everyone was offline.

And now, my facebook account.

I am pretty sure that I added Sharon.
And I am also very sure that she accepted.

Then when I opened her profile, It said there that the profile was private and I'm not allowed to view it since I'm not in her friends list.

Heck, I sent her a comment a few days ago.

You know how facebook has news feed?
It updates whenever you, or someone in your friends list adds a new friend to their list and all that stuff.
So I checked, and there was nothing on me and her being friends.

It was there a few days ago.
Very sure of it.

What is wrong with my internet??!

Do I have some crazed hacker enemy somewhere who tweaks with my internet for fun?


Bro says he and his good friends think that blogging and friendster is a total waste of time.
Maybe I should take his advice and delete all my online accounts.

But then I'll be bored =(

Oh, dilemmas.

Someone PLEEAASE spam my cbox.
I think I'm gonna drop dead with boredom-ness.

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