Saturday, July 26, 2008

Three letters, one word


This has got to be the weirdest trend ever to exist on the face of planet earth. This, and maybe those HUGE hair during the Victorian era.

So you're claiming you're life sucks. What sucks about it? Bad grades? Parents who don't understand you? You have no friends? and the most popular one, you just broke up.

If it's bad grades, oh puh-lease. It's ur freakin fault for not studying harder. Get over it and get crackin.

Parents who don't understand you? (or so you claim) Look back, and think. think. think. The thing that you asked for may be unreasonable. Or else, they're too over-protective(like mine). In that case, screw rules. Just go out. But know your limits. Don't cross them.

You have no friends? Okay. This reason is stupid. If you have no friends, then go make some. Is it seriously that hard? Just go "hi, my name is ..." and voila! you have a friend.

Yeah. The ever popular reason. You just broke up with the "someone" that you thought was your fated person. That is sad. You can mope around for months, and I'll still support you. But, I beg you. Break-ups are not worth killing yourself over. It's stupid. If that person is your "fated" person or whatever, the she/he'll come back. If not, then, too bad.

I also don't get girls who chase after emo guys. Seriously, if my boyfriend was emo, I'd dump him. Isn't he supposed to be happy to have you as a girlfriend? Instead he's saying stuff like his life sucks and he wants to die. -.-""

It's not that i'm anti-emo. I have no prob with being friends with them. I have some emo friends, actually. I'm fine just as long as you don't try to point it out to me. I know you're emo. It's not exactly hard to miss. You don't need to underline it for me. You can cut youself or do any sick thing you wanna, just don't tell me. I don't need and don't wanna know.

Why do you need to be so emo? It's not a fashion statement. It makes you look half-dead . Don't worry, be happy :D

P.s: to emo friends of mine. please don't take offense. This is called freedom of speech. If you don't like it, then don't read it.

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