Monday, December 8, 2008


Bleh, couldn't go to camp.
Then dad brought me to St Joe to pick my bro up.
I saw my friends who went to the camp.
Dad didn't even realise camp started today.

Barely spoke to my parents this week.
Yeah, I'm a spoiled brat.
So what?
They said yes when I asked them at the beginning of the year.
They said yes again in August.
They even signed the permission slip.
A WEEK before camp, they said no.
I've been looking forward to it the whole year.

Dad promised me next year I can go.
He better keep the promise.

I rarely post stuff nowadays.
Whatever lah.
My mood not so good.

I got headache.
I wan panadol.

Well, I think they're trying to make me feel better.
Dad's gonna buy me a guitar, and mum's buying me books whenever we go to Spring.
Truth be told, I'd rather go to camp.
But hey, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

So, the books that I bought

The Singer's Crown - Elaine Isaak

The White Priestess - Trudi Canavan

The Singer's Crown is AWESOME!!

I am soo buying Elaine Isaak's Latest book.
It's called The Eunuch's Heir.

Somewhat good mood gone.
Mum just lectured me.

I wanna break stuff.

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