I guess I'm gonna have to pull off an all-nighter to get through all that PI.
I hope I don't get sick.
In my opinion, this is gonna end in either one of the three scenarios.
1. I get sick. Skip exam. Hallelujah.
2. I fail because of headache because of lack of sleep.
3. I fail because I decided not to have an all-nighter and didn't finish studying.
So yeah.
Please, please, please let me get sick.
Whyy why didn't ustazah tell us earlier??
70+ babs.
Shit so screwed la.
I know I haven't updated in a long loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong while.
I have a lot of things I wanna post about.
But I'm too lazy. *shrugs*
Imma go stuudy.
Oh, btw,
This is like my first time studying hard for an exam.
I actually finished my sejarah and science.
You guys should see my parents.
Whenever they see me study, they smile like the joker.
Then they keep walking into the room just to see me study.
Then they sigh happily.
My family so funny.
Seriously though.
I'm like the laziest person on the planet.
And no, I'm not saying it cos everyone else is.
And I'm not doing that fake modesty crap either.
My science book (small one) is empty.
My science book (big one) only has one page of... stuff.
I haven't done Geo notes since the ... ukuran I think.
And I don't even bother about English anymore.
Oh, my PI book is empty too.
I rarely sleep in class, but I yawn a lot.
I daydream about hugging furry animals most of the time.
I hum songs during english, thumb wrestle myself during geo and daydream about me living in naruto-land during sej.
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