Monday, March 16, 2009


Haven't blogged much recently.
I'll blog about my upgrading yesterday.

Well, I FINALLY managed to memorise my poomse.
Practised for 2 hours straight. 
Then got tummy ache so toilet for the rest of the time. LOL.

Then we went to the main gym (which is my gym anyway) at 12.45.
Arrived there at 1.

And the white belts haven't even started yet. =_=
So we had to sit in the stuffyhotsemi-smellyfullofsweatypeople gym for 2 hours while waiting for our turn.

Cos I was so bored, I took pictures.

That's Eileen. She's busy telling the little kids to be quiet.
Yellow belts doing some block I forgot what it's called. 
Upper block? (as you can see one of the two kids in front there is sesat)
The chief who is the examiner. Muka very garang. I never see him smile before.

Julia <3
She, her brother Jeffrey and her little sister Joyce likes to hug me.
So chomel.

And then it was my turn.
I gave my phone to Adrian so no pictures.
I was paired off to a very pro-looking girl from another gym for sparring.
The whole time I was like dielamedielamedielame.

The upgrading was quite easy.
Mostly because the girl was as clueless about sparring as me.
We both kicked at the same time and yeah..
I think my kneecap is like.. shattered. 
And we did that a lot.
And everytime her knee hit mine, both of us were like "ooooooww!" and backtrackbacktrack.

And the instructor forgot to ask us to do our poomse. =________=
All my practising and panicking was for nothing.
We didn't even have to do the stupid combinations.

It was like a white belt upgrading, only with more strict marking.
SEE Manda! If you join so easy can pass!!
Well, actually, it's thanks to the forgetful instructor.

I got tummy ache again =(
I think I got diarrhoea.
Someone give me the little ubat I forgot the name for diarrhoea.

Oh, I shall blog more often now that exams are over.

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